Howdy bloggers! I know you have all missed me terribly....right? RIGHT?! For a good 4 weeks I was basically locked inside a dungeoun (ie my house) slaying away the dragons (ie doing my assignments) in my protective armour (ie my pjs). However now that exam/assignment period is over for me this year...I am back! In fact while I write this post the theme song playing through my head is: Without me - Eminem
On Saturday I had a wedding, and anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE weddings. I'm pretty sure I was a cray cray wedding planner/obsessor in my previous life. I love that you get to dress all pretty and see two people declare how crazy in love they are with eachother. I didn't get to take photos while at the actual wedding as a I couldn't fit my darn camera in my miniscule clutch...but here are a few snaps of my outfit before leaving home. I wore a gorgeous dress by Witchery as pictured below, and paired it with white patent heels and a white beaded clutch.
Dress: Witchery Clutch: Vintage Shoes: Bellini |
Congratulations Josh and Erica!